Welcome to Nora's Music Blog!

We've started collecting some music for Nora. My main goal is to find music that Nora will enjoy and will be tolerable for the rest of the family. Our current children's music library is listed below, as well as our wishlist.

I'd love to hear what your favorites are! Please leave a comment on this post if you know of other great music that we should check out. Kid-friendly grownup music is a-ok too - I'm thinking that artists like Jack Johnson (beyond the Curious George cd), Paul Simon, the Beatles and Joni Mitchell would be fine for a kid and a lot more appealing to us than anything with a singing purple dino (you know who I mean).


Snugglebug Mama said...

Look at Songs from the Street - 35 years of Sesame Street Music.... Everyone from BB King to the Fugees, Billy Joel to Steven Tyler, R.E.M to 'N Snyc

Music from your childhood and the more current music you won't know unless you've watched Sesame Street with young relatives. Genevieve likes this 3 CD set a lot!

NorasMommy said...

Thanks, Annette! We'll check it out - always liked the Fugees! :)